Category: Weekly Alumni Shiur

Parshas Naso 5781

Parshas Naso 5781

HaRav Zvi Einstatder examines a complexity of family life for Levi'im within their machaneh with its inherent kedusha.

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Shavuos Kuntres 5781

קובץ דברי תורה על עניני חג השבועות זמן מתן תורתנו

יו״ל ע״י ישיבת נר...

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Shavuos 5781

Shavuos 5781

HaRav Beryl Weisbord shares Torah from Moreinu V'Rabbeinu HaRav Weinberg zt"l on how Hashem granted us the...

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Parshas Emor 5781

Parshas Emor 5781

HaRav Shraga Neuberger delves into the parameters of Kiddush Hashem, and offers perspective of how we relate to it.

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Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim 5781

Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim 5781

HaRav Eliyahu Steinhardt explains the difference offered by Tosafos  between Mitzvas Sefiras HaOmer zecher lechurban and Mitzvas Lulav...

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Parshas Tazria-Metzora 5781

Parshas Tazria-Metzora 5781

HaRav Tzvi Berkowitz examines the extent and ramifications of seeing things through glass, whether or not that...

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Parshas Vayikra 5781

Parshas Vayikra 5781

HaRav Shraga Neuberger explores whether Mitzvas Tashbisu is subject to the din of kenas asara zehuvim, and shares...

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Pesach Kuntres 5781

Pesach Kuntres 5781

קובץ דברי תורה על עניני חג האביב יו״ל ע״י ישיבת נר ישראל

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