Parshas Vayeishev 5779
HaRav Shraga Neuberger explores the inyan of Halvonas Pnei Chaveiro B'Rabim, and to what extent one may take steps to prevent...
Continue ReadingParshas Beshalach 5779
HaRav Sheftel Neuberger shares a mehalech in different inyanim of nisyonos for Klal Yisroel in Parshas Beshalach- Shabbos Shira.
Continue ReadingParshas Bo 5779
HaRav Noach Shafran discusses the inyan of Kesivas Sefer Torah and how one can be mekayem this mitzvah, as well as to how...
Continue ReadingParshas Vaera 5779
HaRav Dovid Rosenbaum explores the inyan of Chatzi Shiur in the different shitos of how it applies to performing mitzvos aseh.
Continue ReadingParshas Shemos 5779
HaRav Ezra Neuberger offers a hakdomo to Sefer Shemos, describing the contrast between Bereishis and the rest of the Chumash.
Continue ReadingParshas Vayechi 5779
HaRav Eliyahu Steinhardt explains how the conversation between Yosef and the brothers after Yaakov...
Continue ReadingParshas Vayigash 5779
HaRav Chaim Kosman discusses why Yosef and Binyomin cried over the Churbanos during their reunion, as well as the significance...
Continue ReadingChanukah 5779
HaRav Nochum Lansky explains the depth to the significance of Chanukah, explaining why it is the ultimate...
Continue ReadingParshas VaYishlach 5779
HaRav Tzvi Einstatder disects the machlokes between Ramban and Rambam on the machlokes between Yaakov Avinu and his sons over killing out Shechem.
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