
Application for Financial Assistance

Anyone wishing to be considered for a scholarship or reduction in tuition must complete this form. All questions should be answered using the currency in which they were paid or received.

Please note if currency is not US$.

Student Information

Parent information

Family Information

Please list all unmarried children in the family (including those coming to NIRC):
First Name Age Does the child live with parent(s)? School or Occupation (2023-2024) Amount paid by parents for tuition (2023-2024). Please note if it includes room and board. Anticipated School / Occupation (2024-2025). Estimated tuition for 2024-2025
Fill Out Above fields first

Financial Information

All questions refer to the parents unless otherwise noted

We feel that we are able to afford towards our son’s tuition, room and board charges. We have checked this form for omission and errors.

To the best of our knowledge the information reported is complete and correct. We agree to inform the Financial Aid Office of any major changes in our financial status. We agree to send the school a copy of any supporting documentation, including our federal income tax return if requested.